AP Materials
AP Tutoring Now Available!
TSS now offers AP tutoring, providing 1-on-1 lessons to further grasp lessons, material and content for your AP Courses and Exams.
Fill out the form below for any inquiries and/or tutoring requests.
Looking to self-study or for additional materials?
Toronto STEM School has made it easy to find what your looking for by providing a direct link to all the various AP prep materials in one place.
For all Textbooks and AP Prep Materials: Amazon
Links to Specific Materials
AP Statistics
AP Precalculus
AP Calculus
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics C
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 2
AP English Literature and Composition
AP English Language and Composition
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP French Language and Culture
AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP U.S. Government and Politics
AP U.S. History
AP World History: Modern
AP European History
AP Art History
AP Music Theory
AP Human Geography
AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics
AP Psychology
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